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  • Aorta Staffing Solutions


Benefits of work-life balance for the employees

Increase in job satisfaction: As a result of a well-maintained work life balance, employees do not have to think about much of any other issue, they will be able to reflect on any job, which will ultimately lead to job satisfaction. This will increase the quality of work and will also contribute to higher results (, 2018).

Decreasing stress and burn out: with the correct work life balance being maintained, it is clear that stress is being minimized. As a result of reducing employee stress, performance will increase, and the company would ultimately benefit from it (, 2018).

Collaboration: if work life balance is reached, workers will be very happy with the work and this will act as a motivational factor. Then the employees will be able to function and improve their talents as a team. They will also benefit from the introduction of new talents and new strategies that will not only support them in their professions, but also in their social lives (, 2018).

Benefits of work-life balance for the organisation

Retain staff: employees will be happy with whatever they are offered and will be able to work harder with a well-managed work life balance. A company can retain workers easily with self-satisfied personnel and jobs. This will describe the expense of advertising, recruiting and training of new employees (, 2018).

To improve team work and working bonds: Well satisfied workers will always look to work better to fulfil the roles they are tasked. An organizational atmosphere of work-life balance can strengthen peer relationships, boost productivity and will encourage employees to show more initiative and teamwork (, 2018).

To increase level of production: A higher production level can be achieved with proper retained staff and team commitment. This will allow the company to cater to the mass volume of production of mass marketing (, 2018).

Nozuko Tikayo

" Align all the elements of your life to support the pursuit of what has deep meaning to you"

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