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  • Aorta Staffing Solutions

How important is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is more than just a formality or courtesy – it is an opportunity to impress. Research suggests that employers favour resumes that are accompanied by a cover letter, making it a critical component of your job-search strategy.

A well-written cover letter is an opportunity to show the reader your:

Immediate Value

First impressions count. A concise and compelling cover letter is your first chance to stand out and be considered a strong candidate amongst tough competition. Immediately emphasizing your key strengths will help ‘sell you,’ grabbing the reader’s attention and increasing the likelihood of progression through the selection process.

Unique Fit

A cover letter is an important way to show-case how your unique combination of skills and experience meet the key requirements of the job description. It is your chance to show a clear link between your knowledge, experience and abilities and the needs of the employer.


The wording of your cover letter can express your personality in a way that your resume cannot. The tone of your letter gives the employer an important insight into your personality and the kind of traits that could add value to their team. It allows you to explain in your own words why you are the best person for the job.


A tailored, compelling cover letter shows you have taken the time to research the company and understand the employer’s needs and job requirements. It is an opportunity to express that you are enthusiastic about the role and to demonstrate the value you would add to the employer.

Nozuko Tikayo

Align all the elements of your life to support the pursuit of what has deep meaning to you.

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