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  • Aorta Staffing Solutions

How to Develop Leadership Skills in the Workplace

How to Develop Leadership Skills in the Workplace

Every business is totally unique. No two employees within a company are the same, and no two employees learn in the same way.

Leadership is not something that can learnt from a book. Leadership is often described as a set of behavioral and skills which can be trained and enhanced, though not like other skills required in the workplace. No matter where you are on the career ladder, it is never too late to start or continue developing your leadership skills.

An organization can only achieve as much as its leaders allow. Strong leadership includes being able to communicate, motivate and plan effectively. The results of effective leadership include a strong team and increased productivity. Developing leadership skills is essential, owing to the many values it provides for a business, including:


Part of the ability to motivate people is to be a good role model and set high standards of performance, accountability and behavior.


Seeing the bigger picture is a key leadership attribute, and part of this is having the knacok to see areas of opportunity and act on them. Looking to the future is an attribute which separates leaders to non-leaders. With well-execute plan, leaders can generate growth and prosperity for their companies. However, that vision must be paired with the ability to communicate ideas in a clear and authoritative way.


One of the most important skills is the ability to provide guidance to staff on how to do their jobs with minimal management, allowing them to become mostly self-sufficient. Leaders who opt for a bullying or authoritarian attitude will see little growth in their teams. Instead, leaders must listen to employees, ask questions, and develop an environment where employees have the means and confidence to grow on their own when needed. Leaders foster a spirit of collaboration among their staff members. This contributes to high morale and greater productivity, and signifies the importance of good leadership skills to the company.

Goals, purpose, and expectations

An alignment of all three is pertinent to hit that sweet spot, in building leadership skills programmes for different employees .

All employees can be leaders

Companies must embrace the idea that all employees can be leaders in their own context.

Capabilities and potential

Traditional leadership skills development processes refer both the skills a leader must have, and the inborn personality traits related to those leadership skills. New leadership skills development

Nozuko Tikayo

"Align all the elements of your life to support the pursuit of what has deep meaning to you"

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